New Blog Header……

What, no comments (other than Anon’s) on the new blog header?…… It took a lot of work to make a decent looking community out of this bunch of registered posters (that includes yours truly)……. I am open for comments, suggestions, hate mail, etc……. The more posts you made (not comments) determined how close you were placed to MRambler Central….. I tried to personalize those that I know and I hope I didn’t offend anyone….. If so, now’s the time to speak out in behalf of your part of the MRambler Central community……

13 Responses to “New Blog Header……”

  1. Well, It’s Different.

  2. #2 by Randalf the Grey

    Nice header, MR. Was it inspired by Tolkien’s maps ? It sorta looks like a portion of middle earth
    that got over-developed. You should have included the OK Alps–Crossroads Peak and Mount Rockwell.

  3. This area is located just a little North (or is it South?) of Tolkien’s Middle Earth… It contains no unimportant land features, just registered user names with some personalized twists…. I hope you don’t mind the “Chateau R La’Grey”, since “Randalf the Grey City” (Town, Ville, etc.) just didn’t sound right, and since you’re now an official Mountain Man, I thought it was a nice touch to place you there….. You’ll also note the “R.T. White Mine (Abandoned)”, which was the result of your login problems….. “Randalf the White” is still a registered user……

    If and when we get new users, the map will be updated accordingly…. Thanks for the feed-back…..

  4. LSDROBO Military Reservation?

  5. Yep!….. This is a person Jek and I know and he made some posts when the blog first went up last March…. He is still a registered user, although, it appears he has lost interest in the blog lately…… You can search them out as they are still on the site if you care to….. He’s sorta into guns, but not hunting – mostly target shooting….. Since I kinda like target shooting also (I wouldn’t ever shoot Bambi or any kind of “so-called” game), we occasionally take a jaunt out to his dad’s land way out in the boonies (If you can call anywhere in Oklahoma the boonies) and fire off a few rounds just for the fun of it….. I can thank good ol’ “Uncle Sam” for my interest in guns….. Before I was drafted into the Army I don’t think I had ever even had a gun in my hand….. I ended up being a Light Weapons Expert and before my D.O.S. from the Army, I was a Drill Sergeant and taught classes on the M-16 rifle, M-60 machine gun, and the 1911A .45 pistol…. I think everyone should take some sort of class on firearms, not only for the safety factor, but to become aware of just what they are capable of….. I’ll guarantee you’ll never view those Hollywood shoot-’em-up movies the same ever again or be overly belligerent with an armed police officer….

  6. Since I never served (directly) Uncle Sam, and came of age in the 60’s, guns were against the peace & love movement. However, in today’s world, I can certainly understand the possible need, whether it be to defend yourself from intruders, or in futureworld against the military state. Are we almost there, yet?

  7. #7 by Randalf the Grey

    I hope I haven’t given anyone the impression that I’m a blood-thirsty, gun-totting redneck. This dawg don’t even hunt,
    although I do live in a hunter’s paradise. Last Inauguration Day, when I bought my “bear gun”, that purchase was strictly
    for self-preservation. My wife asked me why in the world I would want to own such a thing, and I answered her with a
    question: “If a bear or a cougar were chewing on one of our guests, would we want to have the means to stop it ?” Also,
    we live about sixty miles (as the crow flies) south of the Colorado State Penitentiary in Canon City, if an escaped con
    ever decides that The Last Resort would be a good place to hole up, I’m ready for him.
    I also enjoy target shooting. Before last year, the only piece I owned was a little .380 semi-auto pistol for home security.
    It’s not much of a gun. A couple of years ago I heard a news story about a desperado who shot a guy four times with a .380, which was identical to mine. The victim died—of strangulation.

    The best news I’ve heard lately about firearms is that the Republicans are shooting each other. We can’t get bin Laden, but by-god we can nail 78 year old attorneys.

  8. I like it. It looks like a barrier island, a la the Outer Banks of NC.

    I was trying to figure out if there was any semiotic meaning to the placement of the fiefdoms, but I haven’t come up with anything so far.

  9. Sorry…. a barrier island, only much wider.

  10. Nice job MR. We could use an airport though–maybe a future user?

    HSooner: MR stated that in the original post that the distance from the center is based on the number of the user’s posts. I wonder if it is to scale.

  11. Yes, and it’s in “Milli-Monkeys“….. If we, as Americans, can use the length of someone’s foot for a measurement, I can use Monkeys…. I guess I could call it “Milli-Freddie’s” as the measurements are based on a squirrel monkey I had named Freddy while in the military….. Conversion to SAE or metric is very complicated and I wouldn’t want to bore our readers…… You have to consider the “T-Factor” (tail) in the equations…. Complex, very complex…..

  12. #12 by huskysooner

    Jek — I somehow glossed over that!

  13. As a note, since there seems to be some confusion, Comment #11 is in answer to Jek’s Comment #10 about whether the new blog header is to scale….. And in answer to his other question: Yes, an airport would be useful to the “Community” and will be a nice addition for some future user…… As a further note: the header will be updated every month or so, or when we get some more registered users, whichever comes first… When we tire of the layout, the “Community” might be moved underwater (Atlantis) or maybe even into outer space….. Who knows?……

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