The moment that I have been waiting for since last June is finally here. Sunday night the much anticipated return of 24 on Fox.
I don’t know bout anyone else but I am hooked on this show, I first did not give it much credit I thought Kiefer Sutherland Ho Hum no big deal.
A friend was sleeping on my couch and we tuned in last season and have been hooked ever since. I know it’s highly unbelievable but still it’s still one of the best that Hollywood has to offer. http://www.fox.com/24/

7 Responses to “24”

  1. We watched 24 last season. There were definitely some good shows, but at times it felt like they had to unnecessarily stretch out the story to get 24 shows in. I’m really into Lost myself. I can’t wait to see what will happen next!

  2. “24” is quite good, though they have to both compress and dilate in time some things. The first couple of seasons had the superfluous and obnoxious kid/wife-in-danger aspect, but the last couple have been better about that.

    I like Evangeline Lilly, uh, I mean “Lost.” It’s well done but nothing ever seems to be adequately resolved, almost to the point of frustration. Plus, I find most of the characters unlikable.

  3. I was watching 24 from the beginning, but I think it’s really gone downhill the last couple of seasons. Last year there were several stretches where I nearly quit watching. They ended up with a few good episodes near the end, but to me the premise is getting a bit old and the plots just too outlandish and unrealistic.

    What I really dislike the most though is the repeated plot “Jack tortures someone and gets the important information he needs and thank God for Jack torturing someone!” Look, torture is morally wrong and these “ticking time bomb” scenarios are ludicrous. The only thing more ludicrous is trying to make a hero out of the torturer. The last thing our country needs right now is popular entertainment glorifying torture.

    Now they’ve been marketing this season as “Jack unleashed.” Jack’s “dead” now so he really doesn’t have to play by those stodgy government rules!! Oh gee, I wonder what that means? Jack gets to kill and torture and be a hero. Geez, maybe he’ll make rape heroic too, while he’s at it — who knows.

    Anyway, I’m done with 24. If it ends up being really great and I just feel like I’ve missed out, I’ll rent it on DVD when it’s over.


  4. Well Lost can’t give away too many secrets as they have to continue to extend the series. How much longer can they make it plausible without revealing much? I’m afraid we’ll have to see either by finding out from the show or giving up watching. Right now I’m rather enjoying being in the dark. As for the likableness of the characters: surely that plays into the plot. These are not the most wholesome of people.

    Good points TTop. There was quite a bit of torture last season–certainly more than the plot needed. I did watch the two opening hours for Day 5 and I must say it is pretty good so far. Of course there’s a leak in CTU so we can’t trust anyone. TiVo didn’t grab hours 3 and 4 and I’m about to head out on vacation, so I’ll probably pass on this season as well.

    A show I’m really liking is House. The scripts are pretty intelligent and fun. My only problem is with the hour format. It’d be nice if there was more than one major case in a show or if a case extended beyond one show–more like one would expect in real life.

  5. Also, with 24, last season there was too much “brown people == terrorist” stuff going on. “See, those muslims in your community ARE a terrorist sleeper cell!” Argh.

    You know, I don’t record House regularly, but I generally like it when I see it (usually when the TV’s been left on after Arrested Development — a great show that really doesn’t deserve to be cancelled. Just outlandish whacky humor. They are willing to go a long ways for some really funny gags.

  6. Knowing Hugh Lorrie through the Black Adder series, seeing him play the character he does in House is really odd.

    Arrested Development is (was?) the best thing on non-cable-network TV. We have the first season on DVD and will probably get the second season soon. It holds up well to repeated watchings and is just an absolute riot.

  7. Well have not watched 1 epsiode of lost yet, I will tune in and see if it does anything for me. (update to follow)

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