Prolific Politicians…….

Here’s a couple of quotes from the political arena on fools that are funny and true at the same time……..

“The young fool has first to grow up to be an old fool to realize what a damn fool he was when he was a young fool”……… –Harold Macmillian, politician…….

Newspaper columnist Molly Ivins reported that a state senator bragged, “If you took all the fools out of the legislature, it wouldn’t be a representative body any more.”………..


2 Responses to “Prolific Politicians…….”

  1. How many people do you know that say the wish they knew what they knew now, when they were young? What things (if any) would you have done differently in your life, if you knew then, what you know now? On the flip side, I’ve know some people (me included) that are so set in their ways, it would have made any difference.

  2. #2 by Randalf the Grey

    The state senator that Molly Ivins quoted was paraphrasing Harry Truman–
    “The only trouble with democracy is that people usually get the kind of
    government they deserve.”

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