Big Brother

Lawmakers recently forced what was originally known as the Real ID bill through the House of Representatives; it’s scheduled to pass the Senate next week. Didn’t hear much debate over this sweeping bill before it passed? That’s because there wasn’t any. This version of the Real ID Act never received a hearing in either chamber of Congress. In a particularly odious trick, it was tacked on to the $82 billion supplemental appropriations bill which was designed to fund U.S. troops in Iraq. That bill must pass; thus the Real ID Act gets a free ride without any serious or conscientious discussion. The New York Times sharply criticizes the maneuver, saying, “Attaching a bad bill to a vital one is a sneaking business, making it nearly impossible for thoughtful members of Congress to vote against it.” The legislation does little to keep Americans safe; nothing in the bill involves major reform to immigration policies. Instead it’s a poorly conceived, hasty piece of legislation which targets asylum seekers, puts a huge burden on states to clean up a federal mess and grants overreaching powers to the Department of Homeland Security.
Did you ever think “when & how did that become a law? I don’t remember voting on that.”
That’s because you didn’t.
Now that we have Big Brother, will there also be a Big Sister?


9 Responses to “Big Brother”

  1. Since you haven’t introduced yourself, I’ll ask:

    Who are you, Sunn? You seemingly appeared out of nowhere and started posting on this blog. So I’m curious who you are and what is your connection to MRambler?


  2. Sunn, you’ll have to excuse TTop’s bluntness, although we’ve gotten used to it and appreciate it (mostly ;))…..

    When I started this blog back in March, I really didn’t know what to expect in the order of users that would be interested in posting and commenting….. I, therefore, did not set any rules requiring a person to give out personal information as to who they are and what their background might be, just as long as they followed the general flow of the posts without extreme rudeness, profanity, insults, etc……

    Since it appears that you are the first person to register as a user unknown to any of us, I guess it’s only human nature from a group of “think-we-know-it-alls” like us, to want to know it all!…..

    Again, as long as you follow the simple rules outlined above, you are not required in anyway to make public any personal info, and, as “Ruler of this Blog”, I hereby welcome you….. (How ’bout a small hint?…. A slip of the tongue?….. eh?….)

  3. You can’t always get what you want…..But if you try sometime????????
    That should give away my age.

    The Silver Tongued Devil

  4. An old Stones fan, googling for Midnight Rambler.

  5. I wasn’t trying to be rude, only direct. How else do you ask someone who they are?

  6. TTop, I didn’t interpret you post as rude at all. Just some good fun. Getting older, I enjoy the banter of old fools such as ourselves on topics such as politics, music & sports.
    Pleased to meet you……..Hope you guess my name.

  7. “Odious”,I like it. Seems to sum up this administration.

  8. I rather like the fact of not knowing who some of you are. Although I am having fun trying to figure out some of you.
    I am assuming that most of us know who each other are(I have known MR and JEK for about 20 yrs now)I like that we can post somewhat anonmously.

  9. #9 by Randalf the Grey

    Ha! I like you guys. This conversation started out about Orwellian legislation and,
    oh yeah, Sunn, we’re gonna need your social security number. But we digress. If you
    haven’t heard the ACLU’s pizza ad at it’s
    worth a listen. And on the subject of newspeak, how about that PATRIOT Act? Man, you’d
    have to be UNpatriotic not to support such an attack on the constitution.

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