Where’s my George Jetsonmobile?……..

In the ’50’s and ’60’s, we were the same as quaranteed to have automobiles/transporation that didn’t require the use of polluting, foul, toxic gasoline no later than the 1990’s and ,whew, by the 21st century, we would have anti-grav flying cars with all the bells and whistles……

Well, it is the 21st century and, I guess by just looking around, that didn’t work out, but, wait a minute, during the last big gas shortage in the late’70’s/early ’80’s, we were again quaranteed (same as) that extensive research into new ways to improve gas mileage and alternate fuels would be the way of the future……

Well, they started out somewhat on the right track…… In the ’80’s they scaled down most of the autos, stuck small 4-cylinder front-wheel drive engines in them, invented the minivan and called that good enough…… It helped some, but where was the alternate fuel research?…… It was present but buried and underfunded as much as possible in the U.S. by the oil and auto industries…….

Then came the ’90’s……. The people with more money than brains were getting very tired of driving around in underpowered, undersized, no-status peanut cars……. Never fear – the Auto industry to the rescue!….. SUV – Big Box Size- Big V-8 Motor – Big Price – Single Digit Gas Mileage……. And now into the 21st century, you can get a V-8 in pick-ups (full-size, of course), cars (bigger than ever), vans (again, full-size), you name it……..

That is until this latest gas crisis that I don’t think will just go away……. And I have just two questions on the whole mess:

What kind of crap is the auto and oil industry (along with our government) going to come up with this time and “WHERE THE HELL IS MY GEORGE JETSONMOBILE?!”……..

3 Responses to “Where’s my George Jetsonmobile?……..”

  1. Have you seen the Personal Flying Vehicle? It’s not a spaceship, but may be just what your looking for. From the Trek Aerospace site:

    With the development of the FAA’s “Highway in the Sky” program, travel via PAV’s may be obtainable within a few years! This is exciting news for the general consumer and their desire to rise above congested traffic to the unlimited expanse of the sky. As the FAA continues their research and development, we too are working on creating vehicles that can meet the needs of the flight ready consumer, from commuting and travel, to tourism, and industrial applications, to package and pizza delivery.

    That text is accompanied by a picture of a red stop light with a person long flown over it. Nice.

  2. Two problems, Jek……. It runs off of an 118 hp gas engine, AND, if they plan to sell any of them in Seattle it has to have a stainless steel cup holder!…….

  3. I’m convinced the Jetmobile is probably stashed at one of our guarded military installations. The technology has been available for far too long, not to have already happened. If you believe that “black” is evil. Think “black gold”. It certainly affects a whole lot of what happens in today’s world.

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