Do you eat out on Monday nights?

I didn’t think so, well not if you live in Seattle and you aren’t having fast food.  There is an increase in Monday restaurant closings around here.  And I say ARG!  Last night, we walked over to get a burger at Red Mill (not a frequent occurrence).  Red Mill makes a fine gourmet burger and is closed on Mondays.  Phinney Ridge is becoming quite a ghost town on Monday nights with most of the restaurants closed.  I understand that restaurant owners may appreciate a day off, but I’d appreciate something to eat and I’d pay more than normal to get it — especially when I’m staring at Red Mill’s ‘Closed’ sign.

What if a special date falls on a Monday?  Oh well, gotta eat in I suppose.  That’s what happened to Tarn and me on her birthday.  Fortunately that time I called ahead for reservations.  I like the Italian way to solve this problem: restaurants in little nearby towns alternate weekday closures.  Something like that could work on a Seattle neighborhood scale.  For example, various restaurants can pick Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays to be off.  Then at least you can walk on and get some grub.  Rumble. Rumble. Don’t mind that; it’s just my empty tummy.

4 Responses to “Do you eat out on Monday nights?”

  1. I think 7/11 is opened on Mondays.

  2. I LOVE Red Mill hamburgers!…. Yum-yum….. But, I guess not on Mondays….. Maybe the restaurant industry is just following the government, who put all of our holidays on Mondays (except the 4th of July, which I suspect that they’ll get around to it one of these days…)….. By being closed on Mondays, if it hits on a holiday, the restaurant owners don’t have to pay overtime (of course, most restuarants don’t bother with holiday pay, anyway….)

    Doesn’t Seattle have some sort of Restaurant Association that you could complain to?…. I would…. I love complaining……

  3. #3 by huskysooner

    Restauranteuring is brutal, so I like to give them their chosen day of rest. Here in flyover country lots of places are closed on Sunday, especially BBQ joints that are closed on Sunday and Monday. The Italian way sounds like a good idea.

    What on earth do two vegetarians eat at Red Mill? (Oh, I do see the one garden burger on the menu. Can I have mine with bacon?).

  4. I’m not quite vegetarian yet, though I have reduced my red meat in-take. Red Mill is one of my very few burger options; they offer high quality cow. Also, I can’t EVER imagine giving up bacon!

    Flyover country? I guess that means people bypass the place.

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