Our First Prez – G.W.

“Newscreep”, Ah…. I mean “Newsweek” beat me to this post… I had been saving it for awhile and just kept forgetting to post it…… The May 23 issue has an “exclusive excerpt” from a book on George Washington by David McCullough….. The excerpt makes a slight mention of my following “Military Unintelligence” from my WELL, DUH! collection…… Here’s the real details about the Georgie’s first victory…..

During the Revolutionary War, George Washington led the Continental Army to their first victory by surprising the British troops at the Battle of Trenton in New Jersey….. Washington shouldn’t have been able to surprise anyone….. A loyalist spy trying to report Washington’s plans wasn’t allowed in to see the British commander because the colonel wouldn’t be interrupted while playing cards……

When the desperate spy finally sent in a note explaining that the enemy was advancing for a sneak attack, the British colonel put the note in his pocket unread and continued to play cards….. It was his deal….. The note was later found on the dead colonel’s body after Washington’s victory……

And you say there’s no such thing as “Luck”!……

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