Dumb Plays in the Face of Fate

Put down that hot dog. It’s a crime and a sin. Well, it once was in the third century, the Catholic Church declared sausages a sin. A hundred years later, Constantine the Great, Rome’s Christian emperor, declared sausages illegal. Why? Because they were part of the lobertine rituals practiced at a pagan festival for the Roman god Lupercus. But the sausage prohibition didn’t work. Bootleg butchers continued to make sausages, and people ate them illegally behind closed doors. Eventually, the government gave up, and the sausage prohibition was repealed.

2 Responses to “Dumb Plays in the Face of Fate”

  1. I imagine that sausages back then were the full-blown, intestinal wrapped full meal deal. Doesn’t actually sound that appealing to me. Of course I like breakfast sausages and those little wedding wienies… oh and maybe a bratwurst. Hmmm, maybe I do like sausages. Still, better to partake only a few times a year.

  2. #2 by Robert D. Brinsfield

    Bacon UMM-UMM

    This comment brought to you by the National Foundation of Bacon.

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