Leonard Nimoy

I was really sad to hear this and have enjoyed many of the internet memes/tributes.

Chris Rainbow, APP vocalist for some of their best songs, also dies this past week.

2 Responses to “Leonard Nimoy”

  1. Yes another Legendary personality that has left us. He will be missed. LLAP. And Chris Rainbow. Another great Musician. Wherever the afterlife is there will be great music when we get there.

  2. Yeah, was definitely bummed to hear of Nimoy’s passing. He may have been forever-defined by the role of Spock, but it’s fun to find him here and there in old TV shows (Get Smart, Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, and Sea Hunt come to mind). I even spotted him in an uncredited role as an army man in the classic giant-ant invasion movie ‘THEM!’. He was also quite a renowned photographer as well. His last filmed appearance is a commercial for Audi and quite humorous, it even references the infamous Ballad of Bilbo Baggins video of 1967. =D

    (Audi) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPkByAkAdZs
    (Bilbo) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGF5ROpjRAU

    Sadly William Shatner had a prior charity event commitment and was not able to go to the actual funeral (which he took some heat over), but I wonder if they still had any bagpipes?


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