It’s Pre-Turkey Day…You Turkeys…..

Happy Thanksgiving to the MR Community, one and all……  Writing this today, just in case tomorrow I will be too busy (eating, Eating, EATING), to think about such things as sending out a T-Day wish……  Have a safe and fun one…….

2 Responses to “It’s Pre-Turkey Day…You Turkeys…..”

  1. And a Happy Thanksgiving to all of our little community. Despite all the complaints and gripes I am truly Thankful for everything in my life. I am thankful that I have the opportunity to Gripe and Complain, That means that I still have thoughts and that means that I’m still Alive. And for that THANKS. I am Thankful that I have a Job that I can Gripe about. And that I live In a country that I can Gripe about. Now BRING ON THAT BIRD/HAM…….

  2. Enjoy it all, Mr. J., and the MR Community – NOW BRING ON THAT BIRD/HAM/SWEET POTATOES/PUMPKIN PIE (with ICE CREAM), etc., etc., etc…. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!……..

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