My new ipod

Using my new iPod to make this post. It works better than my tablet. I should have known if you want something that works right get an Apple. So here we sit (me and Mrs.JJ) in Pacific, MO waiting for another driver to swap loads with and head to Norman,OK. see ya later.

6 Responses to “My new ipod”

  1. Which iPod did you get?…. I guess the newer iPod’s are internet capable….. Mine is one of the original Nanos that was given to me by Jek….. You have to upload any and all content from iTunes off your main computer…. I’m probably going to have to replace it soon as it doesn’t hold a charge very long anymore…. I think the rechargeable battery is about to go belly-up, unfortunately, the battery is non-replaceable and my current financial situation means I’m going to have to live with it until it gives up the ghost….. Oh, well, that’s the way it is here at “Poverty Central”……

  2. #2 by huskysooner

    The iPods of the last few years are by and large iPhones without the 3G connection. They’re really cool.

  3. Cool…. For portability, I’ve got my Nook that Jek got me for my books, but, I’ve been wondering exactly how to go for my music and videos….. I was thinking iPad or mini iPad, but, a new iPod might be more in my price range and smaller too…. Any suggestions on which way to go would be much appreciated….. (It’ll been a little while before I have to make a decision due to the old financial situation)….. Know what I mean?…..

  4. I got a used ipod 4 32gig. like HS said, it’s just like an iphone without the phone or camera. I’ll bring it along when I visit early next week. btw. $110.00 with tax CDR electronics.

  5. Can’t wait to see it, Mr. J., and, I definitely like the price range……

  6. Saw Mr. J.’s new iPod….. It’s like HS said, it’s basically a iPhone in looks and size, and it works great, and the price is great, But (there’s always a “But”), the screen size seems a bit small to me for movies and video watching….. I like the compactness, but, I still may have to try for a iPad or iPad Mini…… Donations accepted! (Ha!)…..

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