Star Wars Technology……

It’s amazing the advances that have occurred in the Medical field….. Our drummer has been diagnosed with two benign brain tumors….. They now have a procedure called Gamma Knife Surgery…. They’ve developed this machine that looks similar to an MRI unit….. The patient remains awake through the whole thing….. First the upper part of the head is numbed and then a helmet-like device is placed over the head and secured with 4 screws that secure it in position, but do not penetrate the skull…. After that a basic MRI is performed to determine the exact locations of the tumors and adjustment of the Kemo beams is set…..

It works just like the Death Star beam weapon….. Small Gamma beams penetrate the skull and tissue in a 360 degree circle… Each one is not strong enough to cause damage to the skull or tissue….. They all meet at the tumor and combined are strong enough to eliminate the tumor, just like the Death Star Beams all combined to make one all powerful beam weapon….. The patient is removed from the machine, has a slight headache, a little soreness, and goes about their business….. Amazing – no scalpels, no saws, not stitches, no long recovery time!……

Our Drummer is to undergo this procedure on the 9th of June….. If it all goes the way the video shows, he should be up and running the same day!…… Our thoughts and prayers are with him that it will go exactly as the video indicated…… Brain Surgery by Computer!….. Wonder if they are working on something to replace Rocket Scientists?…..

6 Responses to “Star Wars Technology……”

  1. #1 by huskysooner

    We wish him the best!

  2. I hope everything goes well, too….. We told the doctors not to destroy any of his drum cells while they’re in his brain, or there would be lawsuits filed and contracts issued!…..

  3. As a fellow drummer John is in my prayers and wish him a speedy recovery. Remember, us drummers are not known for our brain power anyway.

  4. Maybe that’s a good thing in this case JJ. If he losses a few brain cells that he wasn’t using anyway it will be ok. All kidding aside let us all hope that it works out for the best. My prays are with you John.

  5. Today’s the day – Hope to hear that everything went 100% great….. Hang in there, John, You’re just taking a trip on the “Magical Mystery Tour” Bus, and you’ll come out of it “Still Alive and Well”…… Joking aside, we hope and pray the best for you…….

  6. I received the following e-mail from John on the surgery…… Sounds like everything went as well as could be expected:

    “Sorry it took me until today to get this posted. It was pretty much an all day procedure. Ran from 6:00am to about 4pm. It sounded like things went pretty well. The actual radiation time was about an hour, or maybe a little less. Some friends took me to get something to eat, and then took me home. I slept for quite a while before waking up and logging on to my PC. I was pretty dizzy and shaky yesterday, but I’m somwehat better today.

    I have mainly slept since I got back home yesterday. Once again I appreciate all your prayers and support.”

    Again, John, our prayers and support are with you that the tumors are history and all you need is some recovery time…..

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