It’s New Year’s Eve…..

Do you know where your “Resolutions” are?……  Yeah, it’s time to make them again…..  I just refer to the same list I’ve had for years…..  I figure sooner or later I might actually complete one of them…..  Maybe I set my goals too high?….  Oh, Well, It’s all part of the Season……  I’ve also got to make a run to the store to get some Black-Eyed Peas….  Tradition in this part of the Country – Must eat Black-Eyed Peas on New Year’s Day for good luck…. Don’t know it’s history, but I have been doing it since childhood….  I must admit I don’t know how much Good Luck has come my way, but, there has been a few spectacular events that can only be attributed to “Luck”…..

Anyone else out there have any unusual New Year’s traditions?….. ‘Tis the time to bring them forth for all to hear….. Most interested in those that wart off “Evil” and bring “Wealth and Health” in abundance….. Yep, those are Good…..

HAPPY NEW YEAR from MR Central HQ!!……

(PD Bob’s putting on his 2011 Baby Costume – If you can believe that, with his background and all – Innocence does not seem to be one of his strong attributes!)…..

2 Responses to “It’s New Year’s Eve…..”

  1. Traditions? Before 12:00 I go out in the back yard and hide any resolutions under a rock, go back in and drink to forget.

  2. Sort of a “Celebration to the Lost Resolutions”?….. Good idea….. Just make sure the rock isn’t in your back yard…. You might stumble across it accidentally, and be forced to go through the whole process again…. Wait a minute, that might be worth it!….. The “drinking to forget” part, anyway…….

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