Where’s Your Towel?…..

According to the News this morning, today is “National Towel Day” in honor of Douglas Adams…… I’m hoping everyone in the MR Community knows who he is and the importance of your own personal towel….. If not, I hope you don’t get picked up by the Vorlons, and if you do, hopefully Ford Prefect will be there to give you a loaner towel….. ….And, “Thanks for all the Fish” you “Hitchhikers”, AND, Above All – DON’T PANIC…..

9 Responses to “Where’s Your Towel?…..”

  1. I wont panic because I’m wearing my pearle sensitive glasses.
    Besides my hitchhiker’s guide says this planet is mostly harmless.
    And I have it on good authority that the dolphins are still here.

  2. #2 by huskysooner

    Boy, I just don’t get it.

  3. Oh no was that a little white mouse?

  4. Damn, I forgot the answer again.

  5. 42, but what was the question?
    Point that empathy gun at some one else.

  6. To Huskysooner,

    Dont worry, dont panic. Until they (the mice) build a computer to find the question and if anybody should ask, just reply “42”. I screwed up and told everybody it was “46”. Am I embarrassed.

  7. Boy, am I glad I had my towel with me yesterday, the Volons were planning to start a new intergalactic expressway right through the space occupied by Earth (sound familiar?), and, since we were all wearing our towels (enough of us, anyway), it’s been postponed indefinitely…… Any of youse people who don’t know what I’m talking about should read, “The Complete Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”….. I have a leather bound edition of it….. It’s REQUIRED reading for any MR Community member worth their salt, and, besides, you’ll miss out of lots of co-o-o-l in-jokes and black humor…..

    Anon, maybe you should do a refresher reading – 46? – tut-tut….. Remember, Close only counts in Horseshoes and Hand Grenades…..

  8. #8 by huskysooner

    Misphrased. Should have read “I don’t get why people like it.”

  9. Alas.

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