National “Bubble Wrap” Day…..

Yep, the last Monday in January has been named “Bubble Wrap Day”…… Originally designed to be used as wallpaper, yes, wallpaper!….. Some of that late ’50’s futuristic look of the future due to the intense interest in space travel mixed the fear of nuclear Holocaust with the Cold War going on with Russia….. As we all know, it made a much better packing material than wallpaper, so, here we are, some 50 odd years later with a holiday for packing material….. Who would’ve thought….. Is our IQ’s going down that fast?… Anyways, it’s fun to play with…..

The Red Dwarf fans out there will remember bubble wrap as the famous “Tension Sheet” invented by a schoolmate of Arnold Rimmer’s which is now super rich…. Rimmer goes back in time with the intention of convincing his grade school self to take a piece of bubble wrap to the patent office before his school mate….. You also get to see Dave’s younger self as leader of a rock band, and, hear his famous “Um” song…. I laugh just thinking about it – Time to get out the DVD and watch it….. If you’re not a Red Dwarf fan, you should be…. The new movie is great!……

14 Responses to “National “Bubble Wrap” Day…..”

  1. Wonder how it would work for an “acoustic” treatment for home sound system or home studio?
    You could get different color for each wall & give it a real retro flower power look. My wife would probably disagree.

  2. Get the clear and glue it over tie dye painted walls. Then all you need is a lava lamp and a black light. And maybe a VW van with flowers painted.

  3. That may have been very well what they had in mind when they came up with bubble wrap in the late ’50’s, Sunn….. I’m sure the plastic was much thicker, it would have to be, the stuff they make today is thin and lightweight for a reason….. You want your packing material as light as can be and still afford good protection for whatever you’re shipping….. Using today’s product on the walls might help a room’s acoustics, but, leaning on the walls would definitely be out, even an accidental touch could cause unwanted popping noises….. It could be used to give your CD’s that used vinyl LP sound with the occasional pop inherit with a well played LP…. Of course, you would have to replace the bubble wallpaper on a regular basis, because, nobody can resist popping bubble wrap (pop-pop!)…

  4. I’m glad that didn’t catch on their are already too many guitar effects peddles out there. Bubble pop peddle or double bubble peddle. the list goes on.

  5. There’s always egg cartons, but that’s a cholesterol problem.

  6. I like Robo’s idea of black lights & lava lamps. At our age, I wouldn’t recommend strobe lights, however.

  7. Maybe a mirror ball.

  8. Sorry, Robo, but, that’s where I draw the line!….. There will be NO disco mirror balls installed at MR Central!……

  9. OK but a disco ball is much cheaper then a laser FX. We need something two move light spots on the walls to entertain the cats.

  10. The cheap laser pens they make now would have been a real trip back in the 60’s. Well, maybe not.
    We had plenty of other things to help us through the night.

  11. Mirror balls are not the real problem, Robo, it’s what they infer that is the problem…. Mirror Ball = Disco Club/Freak = Disco Music….. The Disco Music is what I have a problem with…. I rate it right up there with Rap, Hip-hop, and all the so-called music that requires little or no talent, a very obnoxiously loud repetitive, but, danceable Bass line, and, in the case of Disco, multiple female harmonies sang by male performers, in the case of Rap, Hip-hop, etc., no musical singing ability is necessary, just a rhyming dictionary and one chord….

    Sunn, you’re right, if we would have had laser pens in the sixties, we would all be blind now from shining them in each others eyes….. Wow, Man, cool, look into the light, yeah……

  12. Laser pens and duct tape ball mounted on a bungee cord got it no disco reference.

  13. MR, I felt the same way about disco back in the day. However, I now find I enjoy several of the old tunes (at least they usually had a melody line). It also takes me back to a much more satisfying point in history (nostalgia kicking in).
    I think for me it gets the nod over most punk & rap that followed. I have always tried to keep a very open mind about popular music. I don’t know if that’s a blessing or a curse. Probably means I don’t know a helluva lot about music.

  14. What scares me is that one of the most popular songs of the Disco era was actually written by Neil Young. 5points if you can guess which one I am refering to. answer coming in a few months, or whenever I log back on.

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