DID YOU KNOW…..I didn't think so

Many nations hold the Yuletide as sacred. What event is celebrated in China on December

‎ 25th? What event in Egypt, Greece, India, Mexico, Persia, Scandinavia. A correct answer gets a pass on naughtiness for the year. Any cheating invalidates this


5 Responses to “DID YOU KNOW…..I didn't think so”

  1. OK, you guys been bad and don’t give a crap.

    China, Birth of Buddha

    Egypt, Birth of Horus

    Greece, Birth of Demeter, Bacchus, and Hercules

    India has many festivals and Mexico celebrates the festival of Capacrame

  2. And

    Persia, the birth of Mitbras

    Scandinavia, the festival of Jul in honor of Freya, son of Odin.

    Any others?

  3. We’re all bozos on this bus.

  4. Who’s driving? J.J.?

  5. Who else? However, I’ve heard rumors this is how PDB travels, secretly with the cargo in his truck. That’s how he gets to all these distant locations.

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