The Plan

In the beginning was The Plan.
And then came the assumptions.
And the assumptions were without form and void.
And The Plan was completely without substance.
And darkness was upon the face of the workers.
And they spoke amongst themselves, saying.
“Hark, it is a crock of shit, and it stinks.”
And the workers went unto their supervisors and said.
“Hark, it is a pail of dung, and none may abide the odor there of.”
And the supervisors went unto their managers and spoke unto them.
“Hark, it is a container of excrement, and it is very strong, such that none may abide by it.”
And the managers went unto their directors and spoke unto them.
“Hark, it is a vessel of fertilizer and none may abide it’s strength.”
And the directors spoke amongst themselves, saying one to another.
“Behold, it contains that which aids plant growth, and it is very strong.”
And the directors went unto the vice presidents and spoke unto them.
“It promotes growth and is very powerful.”
And the vice presidents went unto the president and spoke unto him.
“This new plan will actively promote the growth and efficiency of this company, and we shall have great strength.”
And the president looked upon the plan, and saw that it was good,
and the plan became policy.

“Behold, this is how shit happens.”

One Response to “The Plan”

  1. As a “laid off” Union Auto Worker and having worked for some large corporations I must say that this is right on the money. Big Business in a few words.

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