Any one seen or heard from our esteemed fearless leader lately? Last words from him were on 10/09. Come to think of it we also havn’t heard from our furry operative since being diverted from SEATAC. You don’t think?…….Nah…..Hmmmm.

4 Responses to “MR MIA…….AGAIN”

  1. Fuzz Butt?

  2. yeah, like Fuzz Pedal, only with a tambourine and special weapons training.

  3. Two theories:

    1. PDB has converted MR into a Hare’ Krishna & can be found on various street corners or big events.

    2. PDB has recruited MR for one of his special op missions.
    MR can be found in subways, train stations, etc., in blackface, playing a bottleneck guitar. Using MR undercover.

  4. The last time I saw them they were loading a bunch of weapons in the the back of the raider and talking about the VA like it should not be allow to exist any more. I haven’t seen anything on the news. I’ll keep an eye out.

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