Interactive Quiz: How Progressive Are You?

Here is a link to a quiz to determine if you lean right or left. I scored 231 on a scale of 400. Take the quiz & share your score. Might be kind of fun to find out the composite blog score. No hard feelings allowed.

9 Responses to “Interactive Quiz: How Progressive Are You?”

  1. I took the quiz. I passed.

    According to the dictionary definition of a progressive I wouldn’t want to be anything else.

  2. 232. Should I expect men in black to show up at my door or am I safe?

  3. After taking the quiz, I also had that thought, Iz. Wait a minute, Bush is no longer in office, although I suppose the Patriot Act is still in effect for the time being.

  4. 347 == “Extremely Progressive”. Guess I’m not surprised. I wasn’t that progressive eight years ago, guess that’s what happens when a radical dunce steers the country into a ditch while padding his rich buddies’ pockets. Worst. President. Ever.

  5. TTop, After the last few years, I’m was really surprised my score was what it was. I was even a war protester during my college years. And looking back, J.J. those vets got a rotten deal.

  6. #6 by huskysooner

    Those are some pretty leading questions, no surprise given the website.

    183/400 “conservative.” Sweet, the same mean as 8th grade dropouts on their chart! OK, I exaggerate a wee bit. My mostly libertarianish responses didn’t get me very far, I guess. But I would never consider myself politically progressive.

    I prefer the two-axis test, with social policy on one axis and fiscal policy on the other.

    Yep, the previous occupant is definitely in the running (lead?) for WPE.

  7. OK, my results in: 263/400 – “very progressive” Some of the statements are better suited to domain experts, like economists. Geez, like I know the best thing to do in a certain situation. Also there are too many statements that said something like “this” was the primary reason for “that”; so basically it forces you to either agree with their one point or reject it all together. That’s the primary reason I think half the statements are poorly worded.

  8. I agree with the comments about the site. However, I still thought it to be a fun exercise (taking it with a grain of salt). See, this blog shows that we can all get along despite the differing ideologies. Aso keeps the blog vibrant.

  9. I’d have to agree with Jek and I remember my old Psych. class on testing….Poorly constructed quiz. Measurements within two apple orchards assured.

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