MR’s De-Evo Quiz – Whatever

I think everyone knows the set-up by now….. So without further ado, may I introduce to you….

1. What do Americans fear most? (3,000 Americans polled – looking for the top five fears – Death and Taxes are not among them)
2. What are the three most popular natural attractions in the United States?
3. Which U.S. states have the greatest number of hazardous waste sites? (Top Five)
4. What is the largest U.S. city in area?
5. What did the acronyms U.N.C.L.E. and T.H.R.U.S.H. stand for on “The Man from U.N.C.L.E.?
6. On “Star Trek”, what was Captain James T. Kirk’s middle name?
7. Again, on “Star Trek”, what were the names of Spock’s parents?
8. What story has most often been made into a movie?
9. What does the Lone Ranger’s title “Kemo Sabe” really mean?

Go, Go, Go……

12 Responses to “MR’s De-Evo Quiz – Whatever”

  1. 1: How about heights, flying, getting stuck next to Britney Spears on an airplane, American Idol getting canceled, and running out of Bud? (Although judging from my friends, slugs and butterflies should be on the list…)

    2: Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Niagara Falls?

    3: New Jersey, New Jersey, New Jersey, New Jersey, New Jersey?

    6: Tiberius

    7: Sarek and some Earth woman—let’s call her Linda.

    8: Hamlet?

  2. I see Zook is trying to hold that #1 position….. On #1, Zook gets Two (2) Points – One for Heights (#2 @ 32 percent) and One for Insects and Bugs (#3 @ 22 percent)…. Three fears to go….. Another Three (3) Points for hitting #2 on the head including the correct rank of popularity – 1. The Grand Canyon (Arizona), 2. Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming), and 3. Niagara Falls (New York)….. Another One (1) Point for #3 – New Jersey is #1 of the top five with 96 waste sites….. Sorry, no extra points for making a point about NJ…… And, yet another One (1) Point for #6 – Tiberius, and One (1) Point more for #7 for Sarek, whose wife was not Linda (McCartney or otherwise)….. Missed on #8….. Zook comes out in the Pole Position with Eight (8) big ones…..

    Lots of Points still available….. Dig, Dig, Dig……

  3. Really? I nailed #2? Wow…

  4. ….Directly on the head, Zook….. If that was an “off-the-top-of-your-head” guess that’s really amazing, as a matter-of-fact, I think I’ll award you a Half (1/2) Point Bonus for it……

    Lots of room for guesses on this Quiz….. Let’s hear ’em…..

  5. Honest to goodness guess—I almost put Yosemite on the list…

  6. #6 by huskysooner

    3. New York. Pennsylvania. West Virginia. Ohio. (Just guessing the rust belt states).

    4. Hmmmm. Let’s go with the local MR flavor and say OKC, which is my guess. (My first thought was Phoenix, however.)

  7. HS picks-up Two (2) Points for #3 – New York is #2 with 63 sites, and Pennsylvania is #3 with 61 sites…. That leaves 2 states, and, they are not “back East” (hint)…… Missed on #4, OKC used to be back in the ’50’s when there were only 48 states (hint)…..

  8. #8 by huskysooner

    3. Washington (Hanford!)

  9. Nope, not our favorite state of Washington on #3….. Hints – One of the states is on the West Coast and the other is in the upper MidWest……

  10. #10 by huskysooner

    3. Well, I’ve had my share of guesses out west, but Michigan was my other rust belt guess that I had to leave out.

  11. One (1) more Point for HS on #3 – Michigan with 58 sites….. That’s leaves one state on the West coast left for Question #3……

    Still lots of Points to be made…..

  12. Looks as if everyone is on Spring Vacation (Including myself)….. At any rate it appears there are no more answers rolling in…… Points on this one amount to Zook, who picked-up Eight and One-Half (8 1/2), and HuskySooner with Three (3)……

    Here are the answers to the unanswered

    1. The remaining three (3) fears are: #1 – Speaking before a group, 41%, #4 – Financial problems, 22%, #5 – Deep Water, 22%
    3. The remaining waste site state was #5 – California with 48 sites
    4. The largest U.S. city in area is Juneau, Alaska, which covers 3,108 square miles…..
    5. I guess we don’t have any serious TV fans out there….. U.N.C.L.E. stood for the United Network Commard for Law and Enforcement. Its nemesis, T.H.R.U.S.H., was the Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of Undesirables and the Subjugation of Humanity…. The TV series, starring Robert Vaughn and David McCallum, ran from 1964 to 1967.
    7. Sarek’s wife was Amanda, a human being.
    8. The story of Cinderella has enjoyed 58 film productions – in cinematic and cartoon form – thoughout the world. The first movie was made in 1898.
    9. As used by Tonto on the radio show “The Lone Ranger”, it was intended to mean “Faithful friend”. But in the Apache tongue it means “white shirt”. In Navajo it means “soggy shrub”……

    That’s it for this Quiz…… May have to set-up a different format in the future due to limitied number of responses….. We’ll give it one more go and see if a change is necessary…….

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