DID YOU KNOW…….I didn't think so. On oysters

“Fast as

a Kentish oyster “, i.e. hermetically sealed. Kentish oysters are proverbially good and all good oysters are fast closed.

“No more sense than an oyster”. Oysters have a mouth, but no head.

Oyster Part. An actor who appears, speaks, or acts only once. Like an oyster, he opens but once.

This may have

more meaning to us who live close to the sea.

6 Responses to “DID YOU KNOW…….I didn't think so. On oysters”

  1. Oysters/Polititians same difference.

  2. I’ve known a few “Oysters” in my life, and some of them I wish could’ve only opened their mouth once, yak, yak, yak…… Since you live close to the sea, Anon, can we send all our “Oyster” friends to your house?……

  3. No thanks. You keep yours and we’ll keep ours.

    Speaking of oysters, the Justice Department just lost it’s head oyster. He’s looking for work. Got anything in OK.?

  4. Yeah, Okla. can always find a spot for another crooked politician or illegal immigrant.

  5. Yeah, he will probably go back to Tejas, and that’s still too close to OK.

  6. #6 by Randalf the Grey

    Tejas, or, as we like to call it, Baja Oklahoma.

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