High (?) in The Olympics……

As requested by Jek, here are a couple of starter shots from my Great North West Adventure…..

This is “Hurricane Ridge”…… It’s in The Olympic Mountains and over a mile above sea level….. The cool thing is that you’re not that far from sea level, as in the Pacific Ocean……

Here’s my “Best Shot” from Hurricane Ridge for the MR Community…… I don’t think a mirror image would make it any better……. Fair warning – I have a stockpile of pics from the trip!……

6 Responses to “High (?) in The Olympics……”

  1. We got damn big mountains out here.

  2. ….And beautiful they are too, Anon….. I’m starting up my “Let’s send MR to live in Seattle” campaign again….. Donations anyone?……. I’ve got lots of collectibles to sell at outrageous prices and I’m good with a mop and broom too!……

  3. I think it’s your best side, No Really.

  4. I say always show the World your best side (or what they can kiss)…..

  5. When are we going to see more pics? Wasn’t there one I took when you were about to fall off the snowy top of a scary ridge?

  6. You must have ESP, I was going to post that exact pic Friday and didn’t get to it……. I’ll post it tomorrow….. Trust me……

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