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3 Responses to “EDUCATIONAL QUIZ………Italy”

  1. #1 by huskysooner

    You mean the piece of pasta or the wannabe continentalish dandy?

  2. You really want those chips. Yes and yes.

    From the big book:

    ” A coxcomb. The word is derived from the Macaroni Club, insituted by a set of flashy men who travled in Italy, and introduced Italian macaroni at Almack’s subscription table.” Exquisite fops, vicious, insolent, gamblers, drinkers, and dullers.

    Current point standing:

    RG, 42.5
    HS, 35
    JEK, 10
    JJ, 5
    Izard, 5

  3. Should read “dueler”. They don’t sound dull.

    And I forgot, MR has countless negative points.

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