The dye carmine (also crimson) is made from what???

Comments on the rules are in. I think the fun is in the information you find looking for the answers and the answers I get to read. In

the end we are on the honor system. SO, AS THE decider, I HAVE DECIDED ” WHAT EVER”. And I must stand by it.

6 Responses to “EDUCATIONAL QUIZ…..Carmine”

  1. Isn’t that the one made from beetles? (drone drone)

  2. I knew a Carmine once…..and she got all crimson when provoked, but, considering her disposition, I don’t think she was made of “sugar and spice” like the children’s nursery rhyme taught us to believe….. She was NOT made of “all things nice”……

    Now, if you are talkin’ paint pigment, isn’t crimson (reds) made from some kind of metallic ore?…… Iron or maybe copper?…… Just a WAG (Wild-Ass Guess)……

  3. Carmine……”The dye made from the carmes or kermes insect, also crimson, and Italian cremisino.” Another beetle quiz.

    Also used for red dye in foods. Bet you didn’t know you were eating beetles. (Don’t tell Tarn) In paints it probably is a metal but now that they are taking heavy metals out of paints I suspect its a synthetic. At least that is the case with artist’s colors.

    Five points for zook and a couple for MR.

  4. Isn’t it used as an acid/base indicator for titration?

    “Do as you oughtta… add acid to watta.”

  5. Tit what? I’ll take your word for it and give a couple of points.

    Yes, I remember that little ditty about acid to water. Also with alkaline I think?

  6. The album “Red” by King Crimson?
    Benny Owen’s remains? (You have to be an OU fan to understand that one).

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