What is the significance of the Greek “Battle of

Frogs And Mice”?

6 Responses to “EDUCATIONAL QUIZ…..Frogs and Mice”

  1. #1 by Randalf the Grey

    “The Battle Of The Frogs And The Mice” is a Homeric fable about the folly of war.

  2. Once again…….yep. Five points.

    Did you recieve your trophy for the last quizz run off?

  3. I was late on this one again!…. I borrowed the DVD of the movie “Alexander” from LSDRobo and watched it last night….. They kept mentioning frogs in reference to the Greeks attitude toward expanding war…. There was no mention of any mice, and with all the snakes around, I didn’t see any running around on the floor….

  4. Jek pointed out last night at dinner during the big storm ( I survived but had to nail a couple of shingles back on the roof. Haven’t talked to Jek or Tarn today. Don’t know how they made out overnight) that RG and I didn’t give very much information about “The Battle of Frogs And The Mice”.

    So, from the BIG BOOK:


    A storm in a puddle; much ado about nothing. The word is the name of a mock heroic poem in Greek, supposed to be by Pigres of Caria, and means “The Battle of The Frogs And The Mice”.

    I remember reading this years ago. It was a mock epic battle between the frogs and the mice over a puddle. An absurd battle, a parody of all wars.

  5. #5 by Randalf the Grey

    …and it was all based on lies; turns out the frogs didn’t even have weapons of mass destruction.

  6. Ah, but they did have weapons of mess destruction…. The poor mice couldn’t even swim, although they also had weapons of mess destruction….. All the mice could do was blockade the perimeter of the puddle and bite a frog’s leg when the opportunity presented itself and wait for the puddle to dry-up while they pre-heated their deep fryer…..

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