
We have the makings of a super group here at MRambler Central. So what say all of you lets start making some music. With the advent of recording software that I’m sure that we all have or have access to we can “telerecord” We have a Drummer, (Me) a guitar MR, Keyboards Jek, Vocalist RTG. I’m sure somebody can play Bass. Whadda say?

5 Responses to “Music.”

  1. jek could probably do the bass parts on the keyboard

  2. #2 by Randalf the Grey

    Sunn, you’re a funny man.

  3. Sure.

  4. My sense of humor was cultivated many years ago, by fellow alumni of Pi Zappa Krappa.
    RTG from your posts, I would guess that you were President of the Fraternity (of man). Don’t bogart, my friend.

  5. Ok So the ball is rolling, What do we think, Covers or origional Comps.

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