Who Woulda’ Thunk It?

Doobie Brother now a secret weapon on terror
Rock ‘n’ Roll guitarist Jeff Baxter talks about being one of the countries top counter-terrorism experts. “Today” correspondent Jaime Gangel reports

Guitarist Jeff Baxter is a founding member of Steely Dan and a member of the Doobie Brothers. The 56-year-old Baxter has eight platinum albums and two Grammy’s but he likes to call himself a hippie rock guitarist with top secret clearances. Now, believe-it-or-not, he is one of the countries top counter-terrorism experts. “Today” national correspondent Jamie Gangel caught up with Baxter in between top secret meetings in our nation’s capitol.

I find this most ironic. Considering how, back in the 70’s the F.B.I. had files on many rock stars (John Lennon, etc.), considering them subversive &
dangerous. Ha! This really cracks me up

BTW, jek this is from MSNBC, so I didn’t check the urban legends site

4 Responses to “Who Woulda’ Thunk It?”

  1. I had a friend who had an intimate relationship with the Doobie Brothers which led to me being backstage with them after a concert in Wichita, Ks in the late 70’s….. I had a lengthly conversation with Jeff Baxter on music and bands…. I wonder if he has a file on me and an infamous band from OKC by the name of Terraplane?….. That would be a boot to the head….. Ya just never know, do you?……

  2. #2 by Randalf the Grey

    Investigating Terraplane would have been too easy. A subscription to the Terraplane Times
    would have been all that was necessary.
    How about when Elvis met the Beatles on a yacht off the coast of Florida. Before the big
    event, “E” had met “Dick” Nixon and promised to find out about the Fab Four’s communist
    ties, drug use or anything else that could be used against them.

  3. Randalf, ya beat me to it – I was going to mention the big “E” and “D” connection…. Elvis made no bones about his connection with the government and actually bragged-it-up….. I don’t think “The Big Dick” really appreciated the publicity….

    As far as the Terraplane Times, I’m considering devoting a section of my website to The Life and Times of a Local Band….. Sorta a Bill Wyman thing, who became the historian for the Stones, although I don’t expect the same interest factor (up to and including “No Interest”)…..

  4. Please do so You have told me some of the High points ( or low as the instance may be) but I would like to know more about what you guys were up to. BTW you never made me a copy of the CD.

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