Archive for April 14th, 2005

You are currently browsing the MRambler Central weblog archives for the day Thursday, April 14th, 2005.

Deadly Flu for you?

Why in the world do we still have samples of a deadly flu that was supposedly eliminated over forty years ago?……. It killled over 50 million people in the 1950’s….. …..And, in such quantities that they able to send them to almost every lab (over 4,000 in all) around the world (18 countries including the […]

Everything You Always Wanted to Know but Were Too Smart to Ask

Is failure a sign of a subpar intelligence?……. For too long people have been telling you that you’re a failure just because you fail…… Don’t let all that negativity get you down…… Failure is a humanitarian response…… If you don’t fail, someone else has to……. Each time you fail, you give them a chance to […]