I Want To Be “Elected” (Part 1)…..

That’s right, MR‘s gonna run for “The Prez” position….. “Don’t Hesitate – MR in ’08”….. I’ve got two and a half years to build-up a voter base and since I’ve never held a political position before, I’m not corrupted or controlled by “Special Interest” groups….. As I said before, I don’t think our founding fathers intended for lifetime career politicians to run our country….. It should be “Government by the People – for the People”…… A lifetime politician has been separated from the general public so long they can’t possibly have any concept of what “We the People” put up with, so how can they have your best interest at heart?……

So, in order to better serve the needs of the people of this great nation, I’m going to conduct a series of questionnaires starting with MRambler Central….. Here’s the first three-part question (Remember – Answer truthfully – Honesty in Politics – What a concept!…):

a. Do you vote?…..
b. If so, in all elections (local and national) in which you are qualified to do so?……
c. Do you throughly research the candidates or do you just vote on the fly?……

Part “c” is most important….. Voting uninformed is just as bad, if not worse, than not voting at all…..

I want to personally thank you for participating in this survey….. Your answers will determine whether I should continue the quest for great government or just remain on the Titanic with everyone else……

14 Responses to “I Want To Be “Elected” (Part 1)…..”

  1. a. Yes
    b. Yes
    c. I do as much research as I can on each candidate/issue before giving my thumbs up/down
    MR: Will you be running as a Green Party candidate or a true Independent?

  2. I’ll be running as a *”Second-Class Independent” because I don’t have enough “Green” to get into any party…..

    *Second-Class Independent: This comes from “Brother Dave”…. When asked what color prejudice is, instead of replying Black, Red, Yellow, or Brown, he said it was “Green”, “because if you don’t have that “Green”, you’re a second-class citizen anywhere in the world”…. although this was told as a joke, I believe there’s a lot of truth in it, especially in this day and time….

  3. #3 by huskysooner

    One of my own anecdotal rules of thumb is to be wary of any candidate overeager to enter public office. This probably applies to most candidates now days, as opposed to earlier in the country’s history.

  4. I agree completely….. I believe the people who could get the most done “For the People” in any elected office don’t want it because of all the mud-slinging, back-stabbing, and forced concessions they would have to put up with, not to mention having their whole past history under a microscope….. That’s why I’m goin’ for the big chair first time out…. So, please answer my survey questions so I can get an idea as to whether there’s enough of a reason to attempt to get “new blood” in an office where it would make a difference….. I will have more questionnaires if I get enough response on this one…. By the way, my answers are yes to “a” and “b”, and yes I do research candidates as much as possible before any election….. “Trust Me”…..

  5. I think HS was pointing his rule of thumb at you, MR.

    As for me, yes on all three. In fact, I check the recommendations from 4 of our local papers (Seattle Times, Seattle P-I, Seattle Weekly, and The Stranger) to get the range of political opinion before ultimately deciding. For lower offices, a 3 out of 4 paper vote weighs alot, since it is near impossible to do all of the investigative work oneself without making it one’s day job.

    BTW, do you really expect people to answer no to any of your questions? And how do the answers affect your candidacy?

  6. #6 by huskysooner

    I didn’t intentionally aim that zinger at MR, though it does sound that way. Sorry!

    Jek, do those four papers really span the range of political opinion up there?

    For things like referenda and initiatives, I very much miss the comprehensive voters’ guides in WA state. If I remember right, for each initiative they contained the full text of the initiative, and statements and rebuttals for each side. I don’t know how much it costs the taxpayer, but it is a great starting point for researching the issues.

  7. Answer to A,B,C……I toss bones and read chicken entrails from the dumpster behind Kentucky Fried Chicken..

  8. Yes, Jek, if someone is a non-voter, why would they object to saying so?…. Remember I’m looking for “Honesty in Politics”…. The reason I started with such a basic question concerning voting is why should I waste a person’s time and mine discussing important policies, laws, and projects if that person isn’t going to vote?…. One of the biggest problems in this country is the low percentage of registered voters that exercise their right to vote….

    HS, I didn’t take your comment as directed at me, and, as I said I agree with your point of view, and that reliable research is hard to come by sometimes, especially in Oklahoma….

    Anon – You need to ask Jek where that Jamaican restaurant is that we went to one time…. You can get the ‘ol “Mojo” workin’ with some Jamaican Voodoo thrown-in, mon, if you get your bones and accessories out of their dumpster….

  9. That restaurant is a block from our house. I tried it once….the bones and entrails. The elections in Jamaica is what I got.

  10. HS: Yes, the voter guides are indispensable. You remember correct: It lists each item’s full text and statements for and against. It also lists all of the candidates, but that part is less useful (other than discounting the goofballs) since the descriptions are written by the candidates themselves. IMO, every state should mail out voter guides.

    The four papers I mentioned yield a range from far-left to moderate-right.

  11. Anon: Actually the Jamaican place MR is referring to is east of the Capitol Hill/Pill Hill area. The place near you is way more high class.

  12. #12 by MRambler

    Maybe I should run for President of Jamaica?….. eh..Mon?….

  13. I may have to throw my support over to HuskySooner…. He’d make a perfect politician…. He’s made two comments on my Post and not only has he avoided answering the survey questions, he very eloquently put the pressure on the questioner (me) to justify my eagerness to enter politics, and cleverly changed the subject to the availability of research material….. Smooth, very smooth….

  14. #14 by huskysooner

    Aw, shucks. I thought that answering would have given a vote of confidence to your populist revolution, Comrade ;).

    Researching “thoroughly” is a big time sink (waste?), but I try to be informed. As mentioned above, the WA State voter guides are a good baseline to work from. Well, for those living there.

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